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Where to Find Wine on Good Friday: A Guide for Unorganized Drinkers

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Liquor trading laws restrict alcohol sales on Good Friday in Australia.

description: an image of a small, cozy bottle shop with shelves filled with various bottles of wine and other alcoholic beverages. customers are browsing the selection, and the shop owner is behind the counter ready to assist. the atmosphere is welcoming and inviting, despite the restrictions on alcohol sales for good friday.

On Good Friday, bottle shops around the country are closed. If you're an unorganized booze hound, here's where you can get some grog. Finding booze on Good Friday can be a little tricky. NSW has strict laws on alcohol sales on Christmas and Good Friday, which boil down to the fact that most bottle shops are closed. However, there are still some options available for those who were not prepared for the holiday closures.

Liquor licence holders are being reminded that music, dancing and the sale of alcohol are all banned on Good Friday in most bars. This means that even if you do find a place that is open, there may be restrictions on how you can enjoy your drink. However, some smaller bottle shops may still be open for business, providing a solution for those in need of a last-minute drink.

A state by state guide to Australia's Good Friday and Easter Sunday alcohol restrictions can be helpful for those looking to navigate the laws surrounding alcohol sales during the holiday weekend. The big guys can't play, but these little bottle shop heroes are soldiering on for all your boozy day-off needs.

Good Friday may be a somber day, but it does not necessarily have to be a perfectly sober one. This year, after the Good Friday liturgy, you may still be able to find a place to enjoy a glass of wine or other alcoholic beverage. We often think of Lent as the time to give up some of our favorite things, and for many of us alcohol is somewhere near the top of that list. However, there are still ways to enjoy a drink on Good Friday, even with the restrictions in place.

In conclusion, while finding a place to buy alcohol on Good Friday may be a challenge due to liquor trading laws, there are still options available for those looking to enjoy a glass of wine on the holiday. By seeking out smaller bottle shops or being prepared ahead of time, you can still find a way to celebrate with a drink in hand on this solemn day. Remember to always drink responsibly and follow the laws and regulations in your area. Cheers to finding your favorite bottle on Good Friday!

good fridaywinealcohol salesbottle shopsrestrictionsliquor trading lawsaustraliaeaster sundayrestrictionsbeverage options
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